
Get Kids Excited About Brushing

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By Dr. Ruchi Arora October 22, 2019

Every child wants to look their best and a good smile is an important part of it.  My Kid's Dentist, in Folsom can help make your little ones teeth sparkle and stay healthy.

How many times have you heard a dentist saying; “Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time and floss once daily”? We know it is easier said than done. It can be challenging to get children in the routine of brushing their teeth. We would like to help you with some fun ideas to get your kids excited about brushing their teeth in order to prevent tooth decay. Try these tips:

1.  Start a routine and stick with it: It can be tempting to skip brushing your child’s teeth (or your own teeth) after a long day, or perhaps even when you are running late in the morning. However, the more consistent you are, the more likely they are to stick with the routine.

2.  Make it fun for the kids: Try playing their favorite songs for brushing or play an interactive game where you take turns brushing. If your child has a favorite doll or stuffed animal, you could have them pretend to brush their doll’s teeth, too – good oral health is important for everyone!

3.  Encouraging the kids: Parents should supervise brushing until age 6 or 7 to make sure kids are doing a thorough job. Let the kids show off their brushing skills. Positive encouragement goes a long way.

4.  Good Nutrition is Very Important: Make sure that your child gets their recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Presentation of food is everything.

5.  Schedule Visits Twice a Year: Seeing a dentist twice a year during the school-age years is vital because this is a time patients teeth change the most while kids lose their baby teeth and get their permanent teeth. It reinforces their dental habits and gives them a dental home. To make My Kid's Dentist at Folsom your dental home, do not hesitate to call Dr. Arora at 916-983-5437.

My Kid's Dentist is a proud sponsor of Macaroni Kid Folsom - El Dorado Hills.

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