
Naturally Living Made Easy

By Shannon Ostrovsky August 2, 2017

When we know better we are equipped to do better!

We all know and have heard of chemicals and toxins in our homes and all around us...we know...but it's hard and confusing...and we get that!!

Listen, no one is perfect, I'm certainly not, so let's learn together and enjoy the process. 

What:  FREE class on naturally living, toxin free

When:  August 15th, 7-8:30 P.M.

Where:  Peet's Coffee area in Raley's 25025 Blue Ravine Rd, Folsom, CA 95630

Why:  To learn to clear toxins and unnecessary chemicals from the home

This will be a fast paced class full of info to help guide and educate on steps you can take to begin clearing toxins and unnecessary chemicals from your home and life in just a few short months!

I'm soooo glad you're joining us friend!! If you know other moms who would love this info, please invite them!

Please RSVP here!